Has your spouse or significant other been violent with you or your children? If your answer is yes, you need to contract an attorney or legal services immediately to apply for a Restraining Order.

Restraining Orders restrict a person from contacting or coming within a certain distance of another person for a specific amount of time. There are both Temporary and Final Restraining Orders.

Most victims of domestic violence are dealing with a wide range of issues including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder along with physical and emotional injuries. If the victim does not seek medical help or go to the police, they most likely will not file for a Temporary or a Final Restraining Order. This mistake can sometimes be fatal. Every month in the national news, there is a horror story of an ex-spouse with a history of Domestic Violence that turns deadly.

It is essential that a victim of Domestic Violence seeks counsel immediately after the Domestic Violence occurred. There are various legal services throughout New Jersey that offer reduced or free legal services to women who are victims of Domestic Violence and help them obtain Restraining Orders.