It’s so hard to know where to begin in discussing the pandemic and the world we are all living in right now. As a Divorce lawyer, these are especially turbulent times. The advice we are all being given- be kind to yourself, take stock in where you are in life, use this time of isolation to reflect what you truly want. Before we were all asked to stay at home, there were so many distractions, kids, school, sports, work, friends, gym, activities it made it easy to keep oneself occupied to the point of exhaustion daily without contemplating the deeper question of “am I happy?”. We are also as a society confronted with the numbers of daily deaths and the temporariness of life. Now, many couples are at home together. When added all together, we as divorce lawyers are getting calls after some serious soul searching. There has been a distinctive switch as seen in the questions new clients are asking. While change is never easy, and may be particularly difficult given the lockdown, loss of jobs, etc. it is a good time to ask questions.

The Attorneys at Edens Law Group are here to offer you a free, confidential one hour strategy session by phone or teleconference to help answer the questions that come up during this pandemic.

To set up a virtual consultation, call today at .