As a parent, it’s natural to be concerned about the welfare of your child, but you can rest easy knowing there are legal strategies to protect a minor when a parent is not safe or fit to care for them. If you are seeking to terminate the parental rights to protect a child, knowing what the law in New Jersey is a vital first step.

When Can You Terminate Parental Rights?

The grounds, or legal reasons, for parental rights termination are pretty straight forward, though there are exceptions in limited circumstances.

Primarily, if a parent abandons their child or leaves the child in foster care for more than one year with no progress towards regaining custody, you would have a case for terminating parental rights.

Other instances where the law states you may file to terminate the rights of a parent include:

  • Neglecting or abusing a minor child

  • Parental conviction of a violent felony offense

  • If a parent has voluntarily terminated their rights to another child

  • A father who refuses to establish paternity

  • Any parent who refuses to take financial responsibility by paying child support

  • Serious drug and/or alcohol abuse or addiction by the parent in question

Let Our Compassionate Team Protect Your Family

If you feel you have a viable case to terminate the parental rights of a minor child on these grounds, or feel that your case should be considered under other circumstances, our lawyers can help. At , we are available to assist you every step of the way. We will be there for you and will evaluate the merits of your claim fairly and honestly. Let our experience help you protect those you love.

Terminating parental rights can be a complicated endeavor, but our Chester family law attorneys can make the process less complicated while lifting some of the worries from your shoulders. Call us today at to schedule an appointment with our team.