This past year of the Pandemic has seen a decrease in Military Divorces.  While there is never typically one reason for an increase or decrease in the divorce rates of any subgroup, studies did take a look at the Military during this time period.

As any family with a member in the Military knows, marriage can be exponentially harder for these couples.  What the research found was not that marriage was easier for Military couples during Covid, but that divorcing was harder.  While those of us living in the United States found it difficult when the Country shut down, Military couples were faced with the World shutting down.

Further, even though divorce rates were down, the statistics stayed the same for female members of the Military.  Our women in the Armed Forces face triple the divorce rate of men in the Armed Forces.  This study of Military Divorce during Covid anticipates the rates of divorce to climb steeply as we make our way out of the Pandemic.

There are, of course special laws that cover Military Divorces.  The attorneys at Edens Law Group are very familiar with Military Divorce Law.  Call 908 879 9499 today to speak with one of our skilled attorneys.