Of course, unless your spouse comes to you and tells you he/she has “found someone else” it is hard to know for sure if they are cheating. However, as Family Law attorneys, we know there are many signs to look for. The following list of 10 possible indications is not intended to be either a guarantee or all-inclusive, but a guide of things to look for.
- The scent of an unknown perfume or cologne on your spouse.
- A sudden interest in exercise and diet.
- Either leaving early for work or coming home late from work on a consistent basis.
- A diminished interest in sex.
- Initiating an argument with you and then leaving rather than resolving it.
- Hiding their cell phone from you or quickly putting it away when you enter the room.
- Unfamiliar purchases on their credit card.
- Excessive use of social media.
- A declaration that they need “time apart” or “space”.
- Acting unhappy or restless when you are both home.
While a single one of these possible signs of infidelity may mean nothing, if your gut is telling you something is wrong, there are steps you may want to take. First and foremost, it is prudent to speak with an experienced matrimonial attorney. This is important not only in discussing your concerns, but in learning the applicable laws of New Jersey as to what will happen if a divorce does become inevitable. Always remember, knowledge is power, and knowing the laws and possible outcomes can prepare you. One of our experienced divorce attorneys can also give you ways to prepare, such as giving you a list of certain documents you may need or other evidence you may want to gather.
Our family law attorney may also give you recommendations for other professionals, such as Private Investigators, Marriage Counsellors, Financial Planners or a therapist for you to help you work your way through whatever may come next. At Edens Law Group, we are here for you and will help you both with our expertise in family law and compassion. We are located in Morris County and have been helping clients through separation and divorce, including all issues of equitable distribution, child support, alimony, and child custody in for over 30 years. You may contact us at: 908-529-0353