Morris County Prenuptial & Postnuptial Agreement Lawyers | Edens Law Group, LLC
Prenuptial and postnuptial agreements are contracts that outline how financial aspects of a couple’s life will be handled should the marriage end in separation, divorce, or death. These are legal documents that must meet certain requirements to be considered legally valid by courts. Prenups and postnups address the same issues–the only difference is that prenuptial agreements are drafted before the marriage while postnuptial agreements are drafted and made effective after the couple is married.
If you are looking for a way to protect your rights and your separate property, Edens Law Group can help. Our firm is well-versed in drafting and finalizing marital agreements to ensure their validity. We have helped negotiate and create both types of contracts for countless couples, including same-sex couples and those who bring major assets or other financial considerations into a marriage.
Call us at 908-529-0353 or contact us online to begin the process.
Drafting Comprehensive Marital Agreements
Prenuptial agreements fall under New Jersey’s version of The Uniform Premarital Agreement Act (UPAA).
Under the guidelines of the UPAA, these agreements must:
- Be in writing
- Be signed by both parties
- Fully disclose all assets and debts
While having a separate attorney for each spouse is not a legal requirement, it is strongly advised. If you choose not to be represented by an attorney while your spouse does have representation, you will have to provide written evidence that you waived your right for representation.
Typically, prenuptial and postnuptial agreements address the division of assets and the issue of spousal support should your marriage end.
They are especially useful for individuals who:
- Have a high net worth
- Have significant debt
- Have children from previous relationships who wish to preserve inheritance rights
A comprehensive marital agreement can address many issues, such as life insurance and death benefits, wills or trusts, property rights, and other financial matters. Although these agreements might not be right for every couple, Edens Law Group encourages you to discuss finances and financial goals before your marriage. Being fully informed about your finances as a couple can only benefit the marriage.
If you have any questions, please call our Morris County prenuptial or postnuptial agreement attorneys.