Unfortunately, as divorce attorneys we often meet with new clients who have been “blindsided” be their spouse asking for a divorce.  It is raw, emotional, and heartbreaking to get these kinds of calls.  As terrifying and upsetting as it may be, though calling an attorney first thing is helpful in more ways than you might think.

First, knowledge is power, and an initial consultation with an attorney, without committing you to anything, can give you a familiarity with the process and what exactly it means to have been “asked for a divorce”.  For example, In New Jersey, as in most states you cannot refuse a divorce if your spouse wants on.  The Court has the authority to grant the divorce, not you.  However, an experienced family law attorney will often ask you first and foremost if you would like a referral to a marriage counsellor.   

If that has been discussed and rejected, there are many things any skilled family lawyer can counsel you in.  Specifically, how to progress through the process with self-assurance and poise and how to remain refrain from getting into arguments.  This is especially crucial if you have children, because you need to show them the best side of yourself through this incredibly difficult time so they may learn how to handle life events in their future and to see you walk away from arguments, especially in front of them.

Last but not least, if the divorce does seem as if it is becoming inevitable, you will have a lawyer and a team to get you through this and remind you of all of this along the way.  The attorneys at Edens Law Group are here to help and support you.  For a one-hour strategy session, call us today at 908 879 9499.