Breaking up is hard to do, especially if you’re not married!
Latest NewsWhat happens to all the assets that are acquired during a relationship when the parties break up? Well, if you are married, there are clearly defined ...
What happens to all the assets that are acquired during a relationship when the parties break up? Well, if you are married, there are clearly defined ...
A long-drawn-out divorce can be physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausting. Usually, you and your ex-partner will want to finalize the process a ...
Since the Pandemic, initial divorce consults have been very different than pre-pandemic, yet the questions are similar or the same. Whether by telep ...
Quite often in divorce cases, an expert is recommended to perform a “lifestyle analysis” wherein the parties” income and expenses are analyzed b ...
The Holiday season is typically a fun and joyful time. However, for recently divorced couples trying to navigate co-parenting—it can feel less tha ...
Down to Earth Observations from the Frontlines of Client Intake at Edens Law Lately I’ve noticed a large majority of potential clients reaching o ...
Whenever an allegation of child abuse and/or child neglect is called into the Division of Child Protection and Permanency (DCP&P, formerly known a ...
If you’re going through a divorce in Morris County, New Jersey, numerous complex and emotional decisions must be made. These decisions involve life ...
This is a very good question asked by many individuals heading into a divorce. Most people do not enter into a marriage expecting to be in the posit ...
“You know why divorces are so expensive? They're worth it.” --Willie Nelson As a Client Intake and Experience Specialist, one of the biggest ...