There are many different types of adoption that are available in the State of New Jersey. They are as follows:

  • Domestic Adoption: This is the most common type of adoption and is the process of adopting a child that was both born in and currently lives in the United States. Also included in this is agency adoption which includes the process of adoption through licensed public or private agencies.
    • Public agencies deal with children who are wards of the state and have been orphaned, abused, or abandoned by their birth parents.
    • Private agencies handle adoptions of children who have voluntarily been put up for adoption by their birth parents.
  • Independent Adoption: This occurs when the child is adopted by an individual already known to the child or through the child’s biological parent. Adoptions are considered to be private if they do not involve the foster care system.
  • International Adoption: This refers to when a child is adopted who was born in another country. This is a wonderful opportunity for both the prospective parent as well as the child that is to be adopted. However, it should be noted that the legal rules and procedures for this type of adoption are much more complex than that of domestic adoption.
  • LGBT Adoption: LGBT couples in New Jersey are permitted to adopt children. This allows for more inclusive opportunities for all members of the community to both foster as well as adopt children in an effort to provide loving and caring homes for those in need.
  • Stepparent Adoption: This occurs when a stepparent adopts their stepchild. In order for this to occur, the stepparent wishing to adopt must be both married to the biological parent, and the parental rights of the non-custodial parent must have been legally terminated.
  • Second-Parent Adoption: This is a legal procedure that allows for a same-sex parent to adopt their partner’s biological or adoptive child without terminating the parental rights of the first parent. This is comparable to a stepparent adoption when dealing with cases of civil unions or domestic partnerships which are legally recognized in the state of New Jersey.
  • Adult Adoption: Typically, this area of adoption centers around an individual who is at least 18 years old. Unless the court has found that it is not necessary, consent from the individual who is to be adopted is required. Often adult adoptions occur because of issues related to inheritance, as they allow for the adoptee to receive property or financial assets more easily.

What Are the Laws Regarding International Adoption in New Jersey?

As previously mentioned, the laws regarding international adoption can be very complex and challenging. There are many legal aspects to international adoption that must be followed to ensure that your adoption is legal within the state of New Jersey. In order for a foreign adoption to be recognized, there are certain laws that must be adhered to, such as the following:

  • An adoptive parent must be a resident of the state
  • The validity of the adoption must be verified by an immigrant visa through the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

If the child in question was adopted under the laws of their home country and the adoption has been confirmed by an immigrant visa by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, it is not necessary for the adoptive parents to file a petition for adoption through the New Jersey court system.

Which is Easier: a Public or Private Adoption?

Each type of adoption is very emotionally rewarding for both you and the child being adopted. They each come with their own set of legal regulations and procedures that accompany them. In public adoptions, the children have been in the foster care system. One aspect of public adoption is that there is little to no cost involved in adopting the child. In the cases of private adoption, there are numerous legal fees and other considerations that must be dealt with before you can legally adopt a child in their care. However, it should be understood that there are many resources available to prospective parents who are considering adoption, such as the tax credits that you may be eligible to receive after adoption and other various loans that are available.

How Can I Know Which Type of Adoption is Right For Me?

Due to the various legal options available when it comes to adoption, it may be hard to know which choice may be right for you. Adopting a child is a very noble endeavor with the power to change a child’s entire life. If you have questions about which adoption would best fit you and your individual circumstances, contact us at (908) 879-9499 and schedule an appointment for a case evaluation. We look forward to serving you.